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Mother Holding Baby

A Place Where You Belong


About Dawn Ellis

Hi, I am Dawn Ellis, licensed clinical social worker of 26 years.  I have facilitated  support groups for pregnancy and early parenting for over 11 years.  Witnessing and holding space for women as they navigate the transitions of motherhood is a passion that I feel deep in my bones.  My pregnancy and early parenting group work is informed through the lens of matrescence, which is a holistic view of a woman's unique journey into motherhood.  

Creating welcoming, non-judgemental, safe spaces where taboos can be discussed, examining structures that no longer serve us, and fostering deep friendships is what I do really well.  Mothers leave my groups feeling empowered, validated, refueled and with a lasting community of true friends.

It isn’t just my charming sense of humor that keeps mamas coming back.  Women feel comfortable with me and return to my support groups with their subsequent children because I am compassionate, curious, non-judgemental and truly feel that there is no right way to experience pregnancy or motherhood.  The only right way is your way and I am here to help you discover what that is.  

It is a privilege to be a witness to women as they transition through the rite of passage of motherhood.  I am honored to be able to provide a safe container for women to examine their changing identities, learn about themselves as mothers, transform, gain confidence and create a lasting community. 

In my own life I am a  mother of  three, wife and daughter.  My love language is spiritual and personal growth and those play a big part in how I prepare for and show up in my work.  In addition to my social work training, I am a reiki master and an ordained interfaith minister.  I currently facilitate new moon women’s gatherings in my community which offer a space for women to reflect, connect with the seasons and set intentions for the month ahead. 

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Groups are in person and located at 
70 Wells Avenue, Newton
Pregnant Woman in Nature

Mama To Be Support Group


Come join our community of women expecting their first baby. Bring the questions and concerns that aren't covered in books or in the brief visits with your doctor as we explore together. Our group is a space to explore your transition into motherhood, gather resources, learn self-care techniques, and make friendship that will carry through into motherhood.  4 week group.

Image by Kelly Sikkema

New Mama New Baby Support Group


Learn about the important developments your baby is experiencing in the early days and months of infancy. Join with other parents to create a place and time to explore all your questions and concerns. An honest environment to discuss all the amazing and not so amazing transitions into parenthood. Create a lasting support group of friends with babies the same age as yours. Gain the confidence that you can do it!  7 week group.


2nd Time or More Support Group


Delight in alone time with your newest addition in this group especially for second and third time parents. Get the support you need, refresh your developmental knowledge, discuss the dynamics of your growing family, and make new friends. 7 week group.

Image by Daniel Thomas

Giggles and Grins, Support and Circle Time


Join us for a super fun, interactive circle time with songs, stories and bubbles. After circle time, we'll check in as parents with discussion on how to support and stimulate these stages of your child's development. 7 week group.

Special Events
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Afternoon Adventurers


Looking to get out of the house in the afternoons? Join us for an engaging circle time with songs, stories and parachute play. Planned activities allow for socialization and exploration.  


October 29, November 12 and December 10

4:00pm - 4:45pm​​​



Wiggle Worms


Is your baby working on moving around, exploring their environment and socializing with other babies? Join us for circle time, socialization and open play for babies.


Friday, October 25
11:00 - 11:45am

Party Time

Family Fest!  FREE

Join us for our 2nd annual Family Fest.  Bring your blankets or chairs and enjoy an entertaining outdoor concert with everybody's favorite music man,  Thomas!   There will be areas for play, crafts and exploration.  Chesnut Dental will be there with giveaways and dental information for your little ones.  

Saturday 10/19 from 3:00pm-5:00pm


The event will be outdoors, weather permitting.

Day Care

Tiny Talkers


Develop and enhance your child's early learning and social skills through songs, books and interactive play.  Learn techniques on how to get your little one communicating. Progress from gestures, to sounds, to words.  

Led by an experienced Speech-Language Pathologist and mom of two toddlers, Gillian Cohen, MA CCC-SLP/TSSLD


September 11 - October 30 (skip 10/2), 7 wk series

November 6 - December 18 (skip 11/27), 6 wk series

10:00am - 10:45am

11:00am - 11:45am

Mother and Baby on Floor

Tummy Time and More, FREE


Come to meet the Baby Matters pediatric OTs Victoria and Danielle.  Learn about infant development and feeding, and bring your questions. Some possible topics include: tummy time, head shape, neck preference, early movement skills - rolling, sitting, crawling, is my baby on track, how to play with your baby, what toys/equipment will help with development, starting solids, tongue ties, cups/bottles. 

​Monday, October 7 from 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Dad's Meetup

0- 2 YEARS

Join John Carr, LICSW,  parent specialist/educator and author of “Becoming a Dad: The First Three Years,” for a casual get together.   Bring your baby or come solo to meet other dads, socialize and have some engaging discussions around fatherhood.  


Saturday, October 26

10:30am - 12:00pm

Infant and Child CPR

This course will teach you the skills of CPR and foreign body airway obstruction for an infant and child.  This hands-on class is taught by a Certified Red Cross Instructor.  You will be practicing the life-saving techniques.


Early 2025 dates coming soon

Baby Mixer, FREE 


Open play.  Come to socialize and meet other caregivers with your baby. There will be tummy time set ups for babies and coffee, teas and snacks for you. All feeding, diapering and soothing is welcome.

Wednesdays, October 9* and 23

from 12:00-1:00pm


*Kelsey LeBlanc, pediatric sleep specialist from Ascend Behavioral Consulting will be at the October 9th Baby Mixer to answer you sleep questions.​

Image by Ostap Senyuk

Stroller Walk, FREE

Get outside, enjoy the weather and connect with other caregivers.  Stop in to grab a drink, feed your baby or change a diaper before or after the walk.  If the weather is bad we will choose an indoor location to meetup.   


Friday, October 18 



Pregnancy Meetup, FREE

Come meet other women that are expecting.  A welcome environment to ask questions, share resources and meet other local women who are also experiencing pregnancy.  First time and subsequent pregnant mamas are welcome.  Partners are welcome.


Wednesday, November 13 


Nursing Newborn

Feeding Support Group, FREE

Join lactation consultant, Danielle Donovan from Latched at First Sight for feeding support. Come for community, to ask questions and to get the support you need.  Meet other moms in a supportive environment where all feeding, soothing and diapering is welcome.

All types of feeding welcome (breast, bottle or combo pump and breast).  Weaning questions welcome as well.


Next date will be posted soon!

Support Groups

Neurodiversity Mama Support Group:
Helping Moms of Neurodivergent Children Create Community

Come join a supportive community for moms of neurodivergent children navigating the highs and lows of everyday life. Topics in the group may include the diagnosis process, IEPs and related services, challenging behaviors, parental self-care, mental load, extended family relationships, neurodiversity acceptance, and any other topics that are of interest to group members. This group will be geared toward parents of children ages 1-8. Your child does not need to have a formal diagnosis for you to participate. This group is led by a preschool speech language pathologist, Marlene Schlesinger. Marlene has two children of her own, one of whom is diagnosed with Autism and ADHD. 

6 week group

Tuesdays, October 15 - November 19, 7:00pm - 8:30pm

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New Moon Gathering for Women

Join this welcoming group for women of all ages and life stages. An authentic space to connect, reflect and set intentions for the month ahead through journaling and discussion.  Leave feeling grounded, grateful and focused for the month ahead.


Sunday, October 6 from 7:00-8:30pm

Pink Lotus Flower

Reset and Renewal

Open to women of all ages and stages. Stephanie Javaheri and Dawn Ellis will work together in this workshop with intentional breath work, mindful movement, gentle yoga, Reiki and meditation. A welcome nervous system reset that will leave you feeling nourished, grounded and renewed.  

Sundays, November 17 and December 15 

4:00pm - 5:15pm

Location, 70 Wells Avenue, Newton

Refund Policy

We do not offer refunds for missed classes but will do our best to accommodate you in an alternative class that works. While we will do our best we cannot guarantee make-up sessions for missed sessions. 

Please understand that it’s common for everyone to occasionally miss a class due to travel, appointments, illnesses, unexpected naps, and other aspects of life with little ones!


Sick Policy

The health and well-being of all participants are a top priority. To prevent the spread of illness and help keep everyone healthy, we ask you to refrain from coming to class if your child is showing signs of communicable illness. This includes a heavy runny nose, persistent cough, fever, diarrhea, etc. We are happy to offer you a make-up class if there is another alternative class that works. While we will do our best we cannot guarantee make-up sessions for missed sessions. 

Make-up classes will not carry over into the next session.


The discussions that Dawn prompted us to have were really valuable and her tips were extremely relevant to what I was going through in the moment. I felt really seen and supported.



It is so normalized for babies to be challenging in the new-parent transition, but no one wants to talk about how difficult it is for older siblings (and by extension, their parents). It feels taboo to talk about these challenges, like hitting and regressions, when the baby arrives, so this platform was amazing to be able to do that.


The experience made me feel part of a group, not alone and that other people are going through exactly what I have been going through!  A great way to meet moms in the area and socialize.



This group gave me exactly what I needed when I needed it! Dawn did a fantastic job facilitating discussion and creating a safe space where we all felt comfortable sharing our innermost thoughts almost immediately. I looked forward to each and every session!


Dawn is an amazing moms group facilitator. She’s so real and honest and truly understands what moms are going through. Her advice and perspective is so valuable that I just wanted to hang out with her each week. She does a great job of connecting all the moms in the group to use each other as resources as we go through motherhood together.


I enjoyed learning songs to sing with my baby and loved watching her learn to recognize the songs in the group and at home.  It was great to be with other moms and continue to get support as my baby grew older.  We looked forward to the group every week.


Healing for the Individual


Reiki is a form of energy healing.  It utilizes universal life force (Chi) to promote healing in the body, mind and spirit.  The energy used in Reiki is only for the greatest good.  


Reiki supports deep relaxation and I believe that this is where true healing begins.  It is an energy healing therapy offered at most major hospitals because it has been shown to aid in the healing process. With the increased stress and anxiety in our culture, Reiki has come to the forefront as an important and valuable way for people to receive healing and care for themselves.  Reiki can benefit your physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health in powerful ways. I am dedicated to offering energy healing and support to others.  I offer individual sessions for energetic clearing and relaxation as well as ongoing work for people looking for support and guidance in addition to the energetic work. 


What does a session look like?  


You will lay clothed on a massage table and receive energy healing through light touch with hands held over your body.  The session includes time to discuss your experience.  Sessions are 50 minutes in length.


I work with people at all stages and also provide Mom and Baby Reiki sessions.



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Spiritual Community Groups


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New Moon Circles

Ever feel homesick for something you never knew existed? Welcome to the New Moon Gathering  for women.


Since the beginning of time women have been deeply connected to the moon.   


Join this safe and sacred circle of inter-generational women to connect with the ancient wisdom of the Earth, seasons, your own body rhythms and other women. 


This is where you come to:

Process and reflect on the stuff you don’t have time to ponder on in your day-to-day

Set meaningful goals and intentions for the moon cycle ahead

Step into your power

Go deeper and connect with your authentic self

Experience sisterhood

Sundays, October 15, November 12, December 10 from 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Contact Dawn

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Working from Home
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